APY Breakdown
How to calculate the current yield you'd get for a 60-day or 90-day staking period based on the $AVENT APY:
Convert the APY to a daily rate:
Divide the APY by 365 days to find out how much you would earn per day.
For example:
For 5% APY: (5%/365 = 0.0137%) daily
For 12.5% APY: (12.5%/365 = 0.0342%) daily
Multiply the daily rate by the staking period:
Take the daily rate and multiply it by the number of days you're staking to find the yield for that period.
For example:
For 60 days at 5% APY: (0.0137% x times 60 = approx 0.822%) yield
For 90 days at 12.5% APY: (0.0342% x times 90 = approx 3.08% ) yield
So, in these cases:
60-day yield at 5% APY ≈ 0.82%
90-day yield at 12.5% APY ≈ 3.08%
This gives you the effective yield from Aventa for those specific periods based on the annual rate.
Last updated