Commands of Aventa AIO AI Bot
🤖 Current Available $AVENT Commands
🎨 Images
/art - Create distinctive AI-powered art
/real - Create real human like art
/modify - Modify AI art
/edit - Change part of an image
/background - Remove the background of an image
📟 $AVENT AI Chats
/avent Ask AI anything about Aventa
/chat - Talk with Aventa AI about anything
/code - For coding related queries, from Solidity to Javascript
/social - For media post related queries such as Tweet generations
/marketing - For blockchain marketing related information and queries
/web - Search anything on the web
/audit Audit a contract
🗨 Speech
/text2voice - Provide $AVENT AI 1. Text to convert to speech, 2. Send a voice message to turn to text or 3. Drop a file to convert to text
🪄 Variety
/swap - Send 2 images and swap the faces in them
/music - Generate AI music
Last updated